Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yikes! Having a tough moment

So I'm working all night on Elections coverage. I don't mind that, but it's wrecking havoc on my diet. Today has been my worst eating day so far. I had Liberte yogurt this morning, which is practically a dessert. I have schwarma pita for lunch, plenty of calories there. Then I had a small salad with a tbsp of caesar dressing, and a pretty small slice of pepperoni pizza. That's all fine, but I also had two high-calorie piece of chocolate and macadamia nut candy. That's about 280 calories in just a few tiny bites. I'm at about 1430 calories. But I haven't even gotten to the hard part. There's cannoli here. Cannoli! I want it bad! I'm still pretty hungry. A part of me just want to give, who likes self-punishment? I never said I was ascetic.

But y'all, I gotta get this weight off, pronto! This is no joke. If not now, when? All my skinny friends are pairing off, and I want that too. I would LOVE to be a fats with a husband, but that doesn't seem to be working out for me. Ugh. Back to work.

ETA: I resisted the cannoli! I feel like Jennifer Connely at the end of Labrynth when she looks at the Goblin King and defiantly says, "You have no power over me."

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